Our driving philosophy is to make intelligent use of tools to better train and assess knowledge and skills. Most often these are technologic tools, at the forefront of what is considered standard practice. Thus we have long been using gaming and simulation systems, and today our focus includes natural language and machine learning.
Our first consulting gig was in 1995, yet even before that we were invested in improving process and structure for customers.
We have experience conducting cost-effectiveness studies of simulation training systems; conducting expertise, linguistic codability, and mental modeling studies; investigating adaptive intelligent tutoring; and investigating visual analytics and representation. We have applied research results to such everyday and specialized domains as medical informed consent, clinical assessment of social and interpersonal skills, consumer decision making, law enforcement interactions, and survey nonresponse. On all projects we oversee design, development, and testing of tools and interactive techniques, keeping in mind the different intended audiences, to ensure reliability, functionality, engagement, and usability.
We invite you to explore further some of our seminal work at rvht.net. A resume for the president of Intelligent Assessment consulting is also available upon request.